Coronavirus can be airborne! WHO acknowledged Evidence

By Pahal Kaushik| L&J - July 11, 2020

Coronavirus can be airborne! WHO acknowledged Evidence

The World Health Organisation (WHO) acknowledged emerging evidence of the airborne spread of the novel coronavirus on Tuesday after a group of scientists urged the organisation to update its guidance on how the respiratory disease passes between people.
On Monday, 239 scientists in 32 different countries sounded the alarm over the possibility that the novel coronavirus may be more airborne than previously thought.
In  an open letter to the WHO, the group warned that the virus can linger in the air in the form of smaller particles known as aerosol droplets. 
The researchers plan to publish their evidence in a medical journal next week.
This was widely reported as a groundbreaking development in the fight against COVID-19, given that the WHO had previously said the virus spreads “primarily from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth,” also known as respiratory droplets.

Pahal Kaushik

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  1. it's very horrifying, if it will prove or we are late to make vaccine... then all finished in coming future..

  2. i am anuuradha singh or comment display unknown why ..please do it correct

  3. Tis is really horrible... We have to understand that our safety will have to be our priority...

  4. Now this time is really horrible. We have to take all precautions.

  5. Good post. Very informative. Keep up the good work.



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